Thursday, October 14, 2010

Holiday Wassail

This is one of my favorite Fall drinks. As soon as the weather turns cold I crave this! I make a full batch just so I can heat up a cup whenever I want. I got this recipe from my sis-in-law. I have never had any other that even came close, in my opinion.  Happy Fall!

Holiday Wassail

1 qt water
2 cups sugar
2 cups lemon juice
12 oz orange juice concentrate
10 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
1 whole piece of ginger (about 2 inches)
2 quarts apple juice

Add all the ingredients together, except the apple juice, in a large pot on your stove or your crock pot. You don't even need to peel the ginger, just drop it in, skin and all. Let this simmer for about 1 hour. Add the apple juice, then add as much water as you need to desired potency. (For me this is about 3-4 more cups of water, but I like it strong).

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  1. I love your blog! I have never commented on yours before, but I just am in love with wassail, but this recipe sounds better than what I have, so I am looking forward to trying this. I just have two questions. If using a crockpot, do you turn it on low or high? And is it still one hour? Okay, I guess I have three questions. Third, do you need to bring it to a boil first on the stove top and then turn it down to simmer? Thanks for great recipes.

  2. Where do you buy your cinnamon sticks?


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