Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seed Bread

Being snowed in totally made me want to bake ALL day, so that is exactly what I did! I made this yummy seed bread. It was perfectly moist and delicious and so wonderfull warm, straight out of the oven with nutella all over it! (I know, I am addicted to nutella!) It also makes great toast and is super yummy with a big bowl of soup! The recipe was originally made for a bread machine so I adapted it for a regular oven and added some different seeds I had on hand. Here is the original recipe!

Seed Bread
(1 loaf)

1 1/4 cups warm water
2 T honey
2 T vegetable oil
2 T flax seeds
2 T unsalted sunflower seeds
2 T sesame seeds
1 T poppy seeds
1 1/2 t salt
2 t yeast
2 cups white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour

Since this bread was meant for a bread machine I added the ingredients into my mixer just like you do for a bread machine...wet ingredients first, followed by dry, with the yeast on top. I then mixed it on low until the dry was completely incorporated with the wet. Then I bumped it up to medium for about 5 minutes. Let the dough rise until double, about 1 1/2 hours. Knock it down and shape into a loaf. Place into a greased loaf pan, slit the top length wise, spray the top with a little cooking spray (so it won't stick to the plastic wrap), and loosely cover with plastic wrap. Let it rise until double, about 1 hour. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes. If you knock on the bread it should have a hallow sound when it is done. Now go get your nutella!
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1 comment:

  1. This bread is happening at my house TODAY!! Looks so good! Thanks for all the great recipes. If only all my food looked as good as your does. Still working a bit on presentation. :)


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